Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Kaali Dunali

A Dramatic series for Eros Now

Written By
Bhargav Chattopadhyay


Kaali Dunali – 40 min drama for Eros Now
Kaali Dunali is a trippy, stylized drama that offers multiple meanings and arguments. The story is set in a fictional small town of ‘Dunali’ in the northern part of India, serving up lives of the people living in the trappings of a small town that has ambitions of breaking out and becoming an urban centre in a fast growing India.  
Existing in the middle of character centric vernacular of shows such as ‘orange is the new black’ and story centred approach such as ‘Breaking Bad’, the story revolves around a series of criminal undertaking that closely resembles the US housing crisis played out at a finite level in the town of ‘Dunali’ and a drug racket run by the most unsuspecting people in town. While ‘Breaking Bad’ with its rich characters could be summarized from the point of view of Walter White, Kaali Dunali could be considered in a way as the story of Sweetu, a 17 year old obese and traumatised young adult who learns not only to survive and negotiate the town and its people, but also manages to uncover the mystery surrounding the disappearance of his parents.
Dunali is also a word play on the Punjabi word which means 2 pipes or the double barrel of a gun serves as an underlying theme of partnerships that plays out through the entire series as characters team up to achieve common objectives.
Kaali Dunali is much more than a crime drama show, to the extent that it will break new grounds, it will do so because of its much larger & universal theme of human nature and its key differentiation being in underplaying stereotypes and showing life like characters with a central grand theme of survival by any means.
Structurally each season of Kaali Dunali, be it 10 or 12 episodes exists as a part of the central story which unfolds over 2 seasons with a possible third season taking place a few years after the current events. Much like ‘Orange is the new black’ each episode while moving forward in the present plays events from the past through the eyes of one of its central characters. Each story arc provides episodes that stand alone as dramatic television, gravitating towards the central story lines of the making of a scam and a drug trade and the unravelling of both.
The world of the characters is hyper real while tonally it is a collision of different genres, be it mystery, action or comedy all coming together in a town through its characters. Blocking of shots plays an important role in supporting character arcs, providing a subtext and also heightens a sense of mystery that surrounds the motivations and events that unfold in this town.
In the first story arc the episode begins with a strong man ‘Bahubali’ of the town making his move from prison that lands an out of work duo an opportunity to get into the big league. This juxtaposed with the daily struggles of a group of woman at a shelter for abused woman forms the basis of our way forward.
At the end of the first season, the reward for the viewer who has been lured by the first 10 episodes is a well constructed show that provides satisfying answers to many questions raised and leaves the viewer in anticipation of the next season.
What follows is a description of the setting, followed by a roll of the major first season characters and the story outline for season 1, more advanced work has been done for the opening episode, to elaborate on the beats of the show, followed by story points for the rest of the episodes and a short note on Season 2.   


A northern rustic town of India that wants to become a city, with majority of population being locals though some elements of multi ethnicity present within the town. The town is poor, under educated and struggles with a major drug problem.
The architecture is flat roof, old block white or yellow buildings or old colonial buildings with signs of decay. In better quadrants of the city there are some new apartment blocks and gated big bungalows. There is a sense that many have left town and fled for other cities in search of a better life. Vacant houses often seem to outnumber occupied houses in parts of the slum rehabilitation projects.
Few downtown locales are vibrant, better but even here there is a sense that the city hasn’t seen much growth post independence. Factories and warehouses stand empty and the only few information and technology companies stand in the town centre. The rest is small shuttered shops selling clothes and eateries.
Winters are cold and summers are hot and even though it’s rarely expressed the residents have a peculiar affection for the town. This is a place where the past is always present and unlike the developed parts of the country this is still an older India where age old practices and ideas of revenge, honour killings still remain in a slowly changing environment.


1.      Mukti Baba: 59 year old Conman godman, pulls many of the strings in Dunali, has his hand in every game that is illegal. There is not one good bone in this man, wears his mask of godliness very well conning the masses. Gets killed in the second season by a character at the fringes of Mukti baba’s world, but that’s what happens when you make enemies everywhere.

2.      Raghubir: 48 years old A business man who wants to make it big, at times seems to genuinely care for the town but very ruthless when he chooses to be. Raghubir presents the opportunity to Chang and Shikhar to make it big. Ambitious and over reaching Raghubir dies with a bang in the second season.

3.      Sushant: 33 years Right hand to Mukti baba and brains behind Mukti Baba’s clandestine operation, Sushant calls the shots and makes the moves. Escapes with his life when he sees things falling apart in the second season.

4.      Amarnath: 60 – 65 years old Investor, holds all the cards in town. The guy who is running the major projects, his only concern being a good return on investment. Isn’t afraid to use illegal methods to get his way, Amarnath though is a widely respected figure in town. Interacts only when required, he has to step out in the open when his flagship realty project hits roadblocks, because of which he meets his end in the 2nd season.

5.      Sheila: 37 year old lawyer and social worker fighting for woman’s rights. She is ambitious and clever. Her ambitions cloud her judgement of right and wrong, her reason to start selling drugs found in a well primarily to fund the growth of her ngo. Married life with Ravi went down-hill as she manipulates everyone to get her own way becoming much like the people she wants to stop. Even though she is not active in present day she is present till the very end of the series.


1.      Rani: 25 year old, the gunslinger of the crew from “ashray”, Rani comes into her elements in the second season playing a pivotal role. Rani has come up the hard way, she is saved by Sheila from getting imprisoned, returns the favour by running a most effective drug distribution ring.

2.      Sania: 25 years oldA village girl who escapes the clutches of her oppressive surroundings an abusive husband, Sania is a tough girl though she doesn’t look like it. She dies in the second season trying to save her lover Mandeep.
3.      Mandeep:  26 years old. a runaway and technically a thief, she is madly in love with Sania. Mandeep is smart and runs the ship at “ashray” by helping Meena with accounts. She betrays that same trust under duress putting all the well laid plans of everyone around her in jeopardy.

4.      Ramanna: 30 years, Been there since the beginning with Sheila and one her able deputies. Ramanna helps the drug operation supervising the ground operatives. A natural leader she provides an alternative to the woman living at apartment block to make money.   

5.      Dolly:  35-40 years A newbie who forces Meena to find a solution though only after she poisons her. Wants her space and peace of mind badly figuring out solutions that hurt everyone around her. Becomes a worse person in season 2 once more people start moving out of “ashray” for “Gulmohar society”.

6.      Meena: 28 year old, coming from the slums Meena is a fast learner and sticks with Sheila helping her run the shelter even after Sheila disappears, making some decisions that change the course of many lives. Meena wants to do good for others and is one of the kindest people. Her kindness leads to her demise in the second season.

1.      Sweetu: 17-18 year old obese kid, with an eating disorder super ceded by a dissociative disorder. The dissociative disorder markedly increases Sweetus ability for deductive reasoning helping his obsessive quest to find answers behind his parent’s disappearance. In the end the side effects of delusion and paranoia take over in a downward spiral that takes everything down with it. Sweetu drives the story to its end.

2.      Shikhar: 30-35 years old Shikhar needs a job to stay afloat which he gets with the help of his friend CHANG. This forms the basis of what unfolds in the present day housing scam. In the first season he goes with the flow as circumstances around him force him to react, doesn’t have much of a choice. Steps up his game in the second season helping Sweetu figure out what’s really happening around him.  Present till the very end.

3.      Chang: 30-35 years old, he can make a sale happen, that includes selling out on friends. He is not pure evil, though his brain or his moral compass doesn’t serve as a guiding stone when times are tough. A part time scumbag who lives from day to day, Chang’s a spend thrift and loses much of the money that he makes forgetting others, especially BABBAN, gets himself killed eventually.

4.      Ravi: 42 year old, a private eye and freelance journo, very good at his job, arrogant with just enough charm to carry it; most cases that Ravi deals with are of extramarital affairs. A failed career graph and the meteoric rise of his wife takes Ravi to the bottle. He gets a pivotal case that affects the realtors planning the housing development. A major character present till the very end of the series in the flash backs.

5.      Devi Rani: 60-65 years old, Quiet for the most part in season 1, Devi Rani starts to regret her treatment of her daughter in law and feels responsible for the dismantling of her family. She sets about making things right in the second season.

6.      Ajit Bhalla: 26 years old Doesn’t really care what he’s doing as long as he gets paid. Makes the mistake of encouraging prostitution where he’s working.

7.      Bani: 28 years old Works 9 to 5 at a call centre and immensely frustrated with her life despite of having a better life than most. Vulnerable, has body issues and dreams of becoming an actor Bani slips into a drug problem that only worsens by the second season.

8.      Rakesh: 18 years old AKA Raka, really a nice guy in a crap environment, Raka starts off as a bully but slowly reinvents his self, an athlete as well he realizes his best way of getting out of town is to get back into books. Rakas past and upbringing especially his asshole of a father affects his rowdy behaviour to a great extent. A sensible guy and a natural leader he knows where to step in and when to walk off.

9.      Gulshan Grover: 45 year old, lawyer for Babban and Mukti baba, a harried and scared soul because of the people he works for. The man on the ground for the hire ups and does all the ground work. Becomes more prominent in 2nd season as things start going bad to worse.

1.      Sidhu: 45 year old Dirty cop with brains the equivalent of a box of rocks, Sidhu works for Mukti Baba from inside the station. Meets his end in the second season but does enough damage by then.

2.      Lakhan: 62 year old ex cop, knows how it works in this town, has his own code of conduct and widely respected for his police work as well the man that he is. Works with Babban for the money. Babban knows his value, a good shooter and laconic, Lakhan is present till the very end.  

3.      Harish: 27 year old junior cop in Dunali, idolises the senior cops, especially Sharad, badly wants to impress everyone but doesn’t have much experience. His impression in the department is that of a suck job and mind fuck, leeching onto whoever talks to him. Harish is a good guy who will survive the town.

4.      Sharad: 42 year old an average cop at best, he is politically adept and one day will rise further up the ranks if he doesn’t get into a mess because of his past. Control freak and uncaring when it comes to his family, his son blames him for the death of his mother.

5.      Vishal Shekhar: 55 years old chief cop, with only 5 more years left at his job, Vishal would prefer staying out of trouble. He manages to do that by going on training programs and other such and at other times sides with the most powerful in town. In second season, Vishal would eventually grow a pair and give the cops a free hand in reigning in the chaos.

1.      Bittu: 18 years old does nothing, wants to make money and live a good life, Bittu dreams of nothing more than getting rich quick. Becomes part of Captains crew by season 2.

2.      Captain: 20 – 25 year old, all that Captain wants is to become a gangster and that is pretty much what he is.  A rising star in his early days making a name by getting into skirmishes with the top dog Babban and his crew. Captain is now the main man supervisor running drugs and all things illegal with his trusted lieutenants. A penchant for violence leads to the comeback of Babban, leading to his demise in the second season.

6.      Babban: 40 – 45 year old, he is the erstwhile Bahubali of Dunali. An independent soul, BABBAN used to work with the most powerful people in town. Stupid fearless, Babban is thrown in prison when he turns on his paymasters in a bid to grab his own territory. After a couple of years in prison, he is itching to get back into the game and makes the opening move from behind bars.  The first season Babban spends behind the prison appearing in flashbacks, coming out in the open in the second season. A survivor, Babban is alive till the last episode of the series.

7.      Omar: 25 year old right hand to Babban, gets killed during Babbans standoff with Mukti Baba, appears in the end of season 1 and beginning of season 2.

8.      Gopal: 21 year old right hand to Captain, begins life on the street and grows into a prominent role by the second season, eventually switching sides which leads to Captains death.

9 Episodes

            Episode 1 – part 1 & part 2
1.      Present day, streetside: SWEETU 17 year old guy lies on the ground bleeding unconscious, in a rainy late afternoon, food items from his oversized shopping bags spilling onto the street. Sweetu has a dream, he sees himself dance enthusiastically to a popular dance number. His dance steps are awful zero swagger and he is wearing an embarrassing red superman pants and cape. Also present in his dream is RAKESH aka RAKA 18 year old neighbourhood boy who frequently bullies Sweetu laughing his ass off and secretly recording the dance. His dream ends Sweetu opens his eyes wider than usual, his brain misfiring. Eyes shut back as Sweetu goes back to dreaming. A different dream follows in a dimly lit room filled with movie athletes and Guru Nanak posters, a bare guys back lean and sweaty, looks like Rakesh having passionate sex with Sweetu’s mother, 38 year old SHEILA.
Sweetu wakes up to a voice in his head, waking him up, “Uth jaa”. Sweetu checks a bump on his head, nothing new; the voice remains in his head, “ab royega kya”. Sweetu mutters, “nahi”. Picks up bags goes home, bruised and beaten.
2.      A grim look on SHIKHAR 31 year old man, as he stares into the mirror, out of work running low on money must make it to an interview today. But first he needs to negotiate the wrath of his girlfriend BANI 28 year old, his live in partner. Bani has raised hell, it’s the weekend and Bani doesn’t give a shit about Shikhars interview, she has plans, she works hard the whole week and wants to spend one day with Shikhar. Unable to stop Shikhar she gets out of his way by locking herself in a room.
3.      An unexpected phone call and visit to town from an old friend CHANG 32 year old man, distracts Shikhar from reaching the interview early. Chang over phone convinces Shikhar to meet him first, he has better things to offer him than a dumb job.
4.      Shikhar reluctantly agrees to drive Chang over to a spot on a map where they will get passes to the mother of all parties, a place where the who’s who of town come to network.
5.      Unknown to the duo a dirty cop with a limp SIDHU 45 year old and an ex cop LAKHAN 62 year old are tailing Chang and now Shikhar. An undercurrent of mutual disrespect vibes between Sidhu and Lakhan clearly not the best of friends.    
6.      Chang was in prison before, falsely implicated and sentenced in a case of abetment, he was the only schmuck to have been sentenced for selling weed at an event. A talky sales guy Chang quickly makes friends, including RAMESHWAR a 28 year old man in prison to extract vengeance from a mountain of a guy called BABBAN who also calls himself “Afghani”, a powerful goon responsible for the death of Rameshwar’s sister. Rameshwar seeks Changs help in killing Babban. One day Chang bears witness to an assassination by Babban in the prison shower. Babban lets Chang go but only after he eye fucks Chang to tears pleading mercy.   
7.      18 year old Raka track and field athlete runs a lap, his friends BITTU and SONU, all 18 year olds hangout nearby on the field. Raka needs a parents’ consent to represent the state level in athletics, urged by the coach BALJIT he decides to speak with his cop father SHARAD, a guy Raka would rather not speak with.
8.      A cut in a drug deal offered by Bittu holds no interest for Raka.
9.      Bani neighbor to Sweetu, spends time with Sweetu’s grandmother DEVI RANI, 61 year old, watching a popular local godman / conman MUKTI BABA 59 years, spreading myths on TV. Devi Rani, a broken woman, mourns the disappearance of her son RAVI and his wife SHEILA.
10.  An overloaded shopping cart leads the way for Sweetu, filled with junk food. Coming out of the mart his attention is caught by a martial art demonstration, signs up for a demo and learns a move.
11.  Nearing the spot on the map where Chang is supposed to collect the passes, Lakhan overtakes them and skids to a halt ahead blocking their way. Gun raised, dirtbag Sidhu gives them grief before asking them to open the trunk. Shikhar knows its empty except for Changs bags opens trunk. The bags are packed with plastic pouches filled with a white powdery substance supposedly heroin.
12.  Their hands tied Chang and Shikhar sit next to the car questioned over the drugs. Chang claims they are from “afghani”, but refuses to elaborate. Shikhar knows he’s probably going to miss his interview.
13.  Reaching home after school, Raka finds his father Sharad at home working out in the balcony. These are drab interiors, clearly missing a woman’s touch though pictures on the wall show Sharad with a woman smiling. Unable to speak to Sharad directly, he places the letter of consent under his cop cap and gets busy preparing lunch for the two. What seems to be an everyday affair in this household, SHARAD 42 year old, launches into a tirade over Rakas studies or lack of it, finishes eating, dresses up and leaves without even glancing at the paper. Raka lashes out at the kitchen utensils.
14.  Sharad gets a call, during search operations they have found skeletons in a well. The skeleton lying on his table is clearly much older and cannot be Ravi and Sheila.
15.  Seeing Sweetu pass by his house, Raka confronts him. Sweetu has confidence but zero ability, gets beaten black and blue in a non fight. Raka leaves him unconscious and bleeding on the street.   
16.  In prison, Rameshwar gets an opportunity to bump off Babban who’s sleeping in the laundry room, Chang informs him. The information turns out to be false and Rameshwar enters a trap set by Babban with Changs help. Babban grabbing Rameshwar from behind, slices his throat open killing him.
17.  In present day Dunali, countryside, Lakhan digs into the bags and finds a piece of paper with an address. Time to move, Sidhu shoves Chang in the rear of Shikhars car, Shikhar takes the opportunity to make a run for it into the fields. Chang shouts, “Bhaag Shikhar”. Hearing Changs voice, Shikhar running as fast as he can with his hands tied behind him, looks back, trips and falls face first.
18.  The prison is in lockdown, the body of Rameshwar is taken away by cops. Babban returns the favour, offers Chang an opportunity to make some money.
19.  Shikhar with a bruise on his head from the knock and Chang sit in the rear of their car, driven deeper into the countryside by Sidhu. Lakhan in the lead car stops at a dilapidated shed in the middle of nowhere. Suspecting they are going to be bumped off Chang offers a deal to Sidhu, Sidhu can keep the entire motherload of dope and Chang will leave the country. Sidhu laughs, the drugs in Changs bags are fake, Lakhan from the shed gives them a briefcase with the real stuff known as “afghani”, the ticket to the party.
20.  Once the cops leave, Shikhar takes a moment to catch his breath, life as he knew it was about to go down the toilet. All because of Chang who regains his composure and world view, “Shukar hain, paas mil gaya”, he taps the briefcase. Shikhar beats the shit out of him.
21.  Chang takes it all, he isn’t going to let go of Shikhar, he needs him. Chang drives him to the interview as fast as he can, skidding, negotiating traffic and Shikhar and still very late for the interview.
22.  At the office complex Shikhar explains his raw look and late arrival with a car accident drawing some sympathy. A failed patch up in the washroom and Shikhar is in the interview, taken by AJIT BHALLA 26 year old guy from human resource in a trading and broking company where Shikhar has applied as a financial analyst.
Ajit: Hansraj investments, kabhi naam nahi suna.. Aapki khud ki company hain?
Shikhar: Ji haan, meri khud ki company thi.
AJIT: Yehi Dunali mein?
AJIT: Kabhi suna nahi.. Hansraj investments.. Aapki apni company hain toh naukri kyu dhoond rahey ho.
SHIKHAR: Ji Company band ho gayi. 
Ajit chuckles, “Band ho gayi, kaise”?
SHIKHAR: Chali nahi.
Ajit leans forward to give corporate advice, “Mushkil kaam toh hai company chalana. Aapko toh pata hoga..”
The more Ajit speaks, the clearer it becomes to Shikhar that he is not going to get the job. The rising temper erupts and Ajit feels the heat. Shikhar slams the office door a few times and goes out.
23.  Once out of the office, Shikhar takes off his tie and stamps on it, starts to rain. Headlight of Shikhars car light up in the distance, Chang comes over to pick him up, Shikhar glares at him, but gets in the car. A quick change into a new set of clothes and Shikhar is back, the duo give off a gangster vibe head to the party.
24.  Bani at Shikhars place, practises lines for a role in a play, her lines make for one expository dialogue and her acting is much worse. A knock on the door, there is Sweetu with a black eye looking for a way to hide it so as not to worry his grandmother. Bani paints make up and gives him shades to hide the black eye in exchange for a recital of her audition, Sweetu wears the shades, the voice in his head is back speaking to Sweetu, “jab talent nahi hain toh log koshish kyu kartey hain? teri tarah hain yeh, zero talent. Fark sirf itna hain ki yeh akeli hain par tere saath main hun”.
25.  Shikhar and Chang enter the party, a small but classy place with leather upholstery and wooden furnishing and a bar that is well stocked. All heads turn as they enter, everyone is well dressed, seemingly mild mannered like a bunch of stiff necked top of the food chain elite. A waiter collects the briefcase, opens it, all eyes on the waiter as he opens a packet of ‘afghani’ and tastes, nods his approval. Polite claps go around for Shikhar and Chang. They are invited by RAGHUBIR 48 year old, an up and coming builder in Dunali, to a table to play poker. They get poker coins worth lakhs in exchange of the drugs they brought in. Shikhar realizes he’s at the heart of an elite circuit, around the table there is a bank guy BIKRAM 41 year old, Sangeeta 38 year old woman who has everyone’s attention including the 40 year old investor Amarnath and Sushant 33 year old right hand to Mukti Baba. Polite talk puts Shikhar at ease, the game starts with lines of heroin doing the rounds, all of it still weirdly formal and uptight.
26.  The voice in Sweetu’s head: “Uth, uth aur kaam pey lag”. The next day, Sweetu wakes up in his bed, he heard the voice too and he’s not happy about it, Sweetu: “Kya ho gaya mujhe, brain cancer?”... nahi! Main theek hun, mujhey kuch nahi hua. Main theek hun.. To the beat of music, Sweetu takes a shower, dresses up, wears his shades and goes to the shelter for abused woman started by his mother known as “ashray”. He needs a haircut and the woman who live there run a salon among other businesses, all of it started by her mother to help woman in need, give them jobs.
27.  SANIA 25 year old, a village girl talkative and friendly, was convicted of manslaughter, out on bail because of Sheila gives Sweetu a spiked haircut. The place is getting a fresh coat of paint, a local politician is coming to give a speech next day. Sweetu keeps his shades on.
28.  A few woman walk in, amongst them is MANDEEP 26 year old and RAMANNA 30, Ramanna clearly agitated turns on the TV. The local politician visiting the next day, 44 year old Surendar Khanna is on TV speaking. Surendar on TV: “Ji mujhey yeh lagta hain ki aurato ko poorey kaprey pehnney chahiye, apney tan ka prayog na karey balki dimag ka upyog karey, isey hamari desh ki artha wyawastha mein sudhar ayega, aur rape ki ghatnayein bhi kum ho jayengi.” Ramanna an old timer at ‘ashray’ is peeved, plots a reply for Surendar on his arrival the next day.
29.  Sweetu takes off his shades, Sania and Mandeep recognize Sweetus black eye as a bruise from a beating, coax the truth out of Sweetu. They offer their help in revenge from whoever did this, Sweetu accepts help with advisory from the voice in his head. With the new haircut Sweetu looks a different guy.
30.  Sweetu walks through the corridors of “Ashray” like he owns the place, drawing stares from the woman passing by. Walks into one of the rear offices of the manager in charge, Meena 31 year old, a dark heavy set woman feeling the pressure of managing the place with the arrival of the politician next day. Meena requests Sweetu to get Devi Rani to say a few words on the day. Meena asks him to take off his shades, sees the bruise and scolds Sweetu telling him to stay away from bad company. JASSI 27 year old woman walks into the office, informs her of the politicians goof up and that some sort of revenge is being planned. She also gives her the bad news that one woman SWATI  who has disappeared a couple of days back is nowhere to be found, so a picture of her goes up on the wall of missing women, Sheila is amongst them. Sweetu is drawn to the wall, the voice in his head blanks out what Meena is saying.  Voice: “tasvir sey kya pata chalega kaun thi yeh ladki, iskey baarey mein kahi toh kuch aur bhi hoga, koi report..?” Sweetu to Meena: “Aur kuch pata hain Swati key baarey mein, yeh kaun thi, iskey dost kaun hain.”
Meena: “Kyu”. Sweetu: “Main shayad dhoond sakta hoon.”
Meena staring at Sweetu gives her a file, kept on missing woman.
31.  Rakas coach offers to help him go to the competition without Sharad knowing, if he can arrange for 20K. Cornered and desperate to get out of Dunali, Raka checks in with his pal Bittu if the meeting at night is still on.
32.  Shikhar lies in his bed, no Bani around, an empty house. Bani at an audition in an empty theatre, four people sit in the front row. Bani on stage speaks her lines to a disinterested audience. A few rows back sits Kundan 28 years old, a photographer, pimp and a casting agent watching Bani perform. He walks back stage to meet a deflated Bani and asks her if she has any interest in acting for TV ads, Bani cannot believe what she has heard, Kundan is asking for her portfolio.  
33.  Shikhar wakes up late afternoon with a hangover, his phone buzzing. It’s Chang who wants to know whether he’s coming to work. Shikhar finds a gun under his pillow, last night’s events return to Shikhar. The drug snorting, the game of poker which he wins and his new found friends, the early exit of Amarnath leaving Shikhar with a parting gift the gun and the party turning wild, all rigidness gone as the social elite revel in a drug infested night, lap dance, guns fired in air. In all the craziness Shikhar gets offered a job by Raghubir, the builder.
34.  Shikhar drives Chang to a building site, address on a card. The name of the society is Gulmohar society, in the middle of large empty tracts of land and agriculture fields with 2 complete towers and a couple of incomplete construction with no signs of ongoing work.
35.  The job for Chang and Shikhar is to find buyers for the completed building, once it’s occupied more money will flow in and the the society will be the largest in the region, a centre of pride for Dunali. In this job they can take the help from Bikram, partner of Raghubir also heads loan department of a bank, to provide prospective buyers with easy soft loans. Shikhar looks around at the barren nothing: “Yeh kaun si jagah hain?” Raghubir: “Bhar gaon.” Shikhar: “Gaon kidhar hain?”.. No response. Shikhar: “Shehar sey thoda door nahi ho gaya?”
36.  At night Raka sneaks out of the house followed by Mandeep and Sania in a van. Raka walks into the meeting between Bittu and CAPTAIN 22 year old man with an eyepatch, the bahubali in town. A couple of cop cars slowly approach, cops including Sharad and Sidhu have laid a trap and plan on catching Captain in the act, Sidhu pretends accident turns on the sirens. Most of the boys freeze but Raka and Captain, enough for them to make an escape while the rest of the boys are caught. HARISH 27 a young cop gives chase but Raka knows the terrain better, gives him the slip and helps Captain to escape. Impressed by Raka, Captain helps him out with the 20k he needs and has more work for him, Raka accepts the money, refuses the job.
37.  The politician Surendar going to “ashray” in his car flanked by Sharad, looks behind, a single cop car behind them.
Surendar Khanna: “Sharad saab maana ki main koi mantri nahi hun lekin mere protection key liye kuch toh intajaam kiya hota, sirf ek police ki gari?” Sharad: “Chinta mat kijiye sir, apki suraksha ka poora bandobast hain.” Surendra Khanna: “Mujhey kyu nahi dikh raha, poora bandobast? Hmm?, Aapkey department ko toh teen chaar gariya hain.” Sharad: “Sir teen gariya hai, usmey sey ek kharab pari hai garage mein.” Shikhar: “ Sir woh Sheila aur Ravi ka kuch pata nahi chala abhi tak, toh kuch log combing operation pey gaye hain.” Surendar slaps his forehead with the palm of his hand, disgusted. Sharad continues unfazed, “sir aap jaha jaa rahey hain woh Sheila ji ki jagah hain.”
Surendar: “Arey pata hain humey kaun hain yeh Sheila aur yeh bhi pata hain ki hum kaha jaa rahey hain, aap yeh search ab bund kijiye, agar kuch milna hota toh ab tak mil chukka hota, aur aapko aaj ka din hi mila tha, humari protection ki bajaye gumshuda logo ko dhoondney bhej diya. Agar kuch ho gaya humey toh kaun zimmedaar hoga?
Sharad: “Sir kuch nahi hoga aapko, hum hain na. Sir mainey toh isliye bheja hai ki aap yeh apney bhashan mein bol sakey, ki aap poori koshish kar rahey hain ki Sheila ka pata jald sey jald lagey, yaha tak ki aapney security ki maang bhi nahi ki, taaki police apna kaam kar sakey.”
Surendar likes this one: “Oh. Arey writer saab, ji yeh aapney suna kya?” speaking to his speech writer in the front seat. Surendar to Sharad, “jara unko phir sey bata dijiye aap kya keh rahe they”.   
38.  Surendar arrives at “Ashray” to garlands and camera flashes. He shakes the hand of Jassi thinking it is Meena, Sweetu wearing shades is introduced, Surendar gives him a hug then heads straight for the stage set up in the canteen room, the shelter women sitting in neat rows in front. Meena whispers in Sweetu’s ear, “Dadi ji kidhar hain”. Sweetu whispers back, “woh nahi ayegi”. Meena in shock, “Kya!”, Sweetu repeats, “Woh nahi aayegi”. Meena: Woh nahi aayegi toh tuh bolega”. Before Sweetu can protest, Meena pushes him onto the stage. Sweetu backs away but Surendar calls him on the stage. All cameras point towards Surendar as he speaks,”Aaj yeh mera saubhagya hain ki main aap sab key beech aa paaya. A woman in the audience stands up, goes to the rear and pulls a string, a big banner rolls down, that says, “ab hum aisey hi hain” a large poster of a woman in bikini. Rupa shouts, “Netaji ab hum aisey hi hain” Tears off her uniform to reveal a gunji and shorts. The cameras turn towards the woman, a couple of cops rush to take her down, before they reach her, a section of the woman including Ramanna take off the tear away one piece uniforms to reveal micro shorts and undershirt. Meena covers her eyes, cameras go crazy, Surendar stutters, pandemonium.
39.  The search party, cops looking for the missing couple, find wreckage of a car sticking out from a drying lake.
40.  The minister tries to save the day from becoming a media disaster, quickly apologizes and tells the audience of the ongoing efforts to find Sheila and Ravi.
In the middle of Surendars speech, Sharads cell phone vibrates, one by one many cell phones start ringing. The reporters whispering amongst themselves as news breaks on Sweetus parents, Sweetu looks at Meena for answers, Sharad is whispering in Meena’s ear, Meena has her hands covering her mouth, tears flowing from her eyes.
A siren wails.
41.  The wreckage of the car is kept on the side of the road, surrounded by cops. One side of the road is barricaded, the traffic is a snarl.

  Episode 2:
1.      Phones buzzing all around, Raghubir at his grocery mart “Kalyan super store” sees message. Mukti baba sees the same message, so does Bani at work, Shikhars phone buzzing with too only he is not around to see. Shikhar and Chang are out showing an apartment to a prospective buyer, it’s open house day at Gulmohar society but the attendance is crap and the one guy attending doesn’t like it either.
2.      A lawyer GULSHAN 45 years old a harried scared soul working for bad guys, steps into the police station to find the only presence of DHARMENDAR 39 year old constable telling parents of Bittu they cannot go in. Gulshan to Dharmendar: “andar kaun hain” Dharmendar: “Harish saab”. Gulshan: “Kaun sey kamre mein” Dharmendar shrugs “pata nahi”.
 Gulshan walks inside the station into a room, Gopal is sitting inside expressionless. Assured that he hasn’t said anything, he walks into another room, sees Bittu, checks with him, he hasn’t said anything, makes a mental note of his loyalty. Steps into a third room, Sonu sitting their crying, HARISH 27 year old cop there as well, a smile of victory wide across his face.
3.       Sweetu at the morgue with Devi Rani surrounded by a large crowd of woman from “ashray”. Meena gives Sweetu a bear hug, walks him into the morgue, Devi Rani faints seeing the bodies. The bodies are charred beyong recognition, they identify the bodies with the items on them. Ravis specs, watch, Sheilas bangles, burnt parts of her clothing, necklace.
4.      The first time Meena had met Sheila was at her house in the slums. Sheila comes looking for a Hema 21 year old woman from the slums, who had escaped from the clutches of flesh traders. Hema younger sister to Meena is holed up in a room and refuses to come out. But when Sheila gives her a bunch of pictures she positively ID’s Mukti Baba.
5.      In present day Dunali courtroom, Gulshan gets a bail for Bittu and others, Judge BALBIR 55 year old presiding over the case slams down on cops for making arrests without material evidence. Balbir on his way out held up by a reporter who asks if he knew Sheila, a judge in his court whose body was recently found. Balbir acknowledges knowing her and that she was a good judge.
6.      Sheila and Meena go to Balbir to check with him on whether a case could be made over Mukti baba on the basis of Hema’s positive ID. Balbir wants more confidence building measures, positive ID’s from Hema before a case or investigation against Mukti baba is made.
7.      Hema at the cop station late night tells Sharad she knows the location where she was being held. The station is almost empty and Sharad is reluctant to go, a rant from Sheila and Sharad a junior in the ranks back then heads over to the location with Sidhu and Lakhan who is yet to retire. On reaching they find the location still active, rescue a couple of girls Jassi and Ramanna. A heads up message of their arrival sent by Sidhu is not received by the man guarding the location, the guard dies in crossfire easy, 2 bullets from Lakhan. Sheila speaks to Sharad about what next in the case but Sharad is busy getting smitten by Sheila.   
8.      In prison; Sharad meets with Babban, the prime suspect for Sharad. Babban denies any knowledge; threats from Sharad don’t have any effect.
9.      Gulshan the lawyer is in damage control mode, outside the courthouse he pulls in the coroner Zubair 42 years old and bribes him to skip the post mortem on the bodies of Ravi and Sheila and go to the death certification.
10.  Hema arrives in court grappling onto Sheila, scared of everything and everyone. Ravi is present in court sitting in the rear, barely interested in the proceeding (it’s Ravi’s voice that Sweetu hears in his head). Scheduled for post lunch, Sidhu spikes Balbirs lunch with bad stuff relegating him to the loo for the rest of the day. Meena and Sheila flank Hema and take her outside, followed by Ravi who wants to know what happened inside from Sheila. Sheila doesn’t know shit and is frustrated and takes it out on Ravi while Meena signals an auto rickshaw to stop. A moment alone, Hema steps in front of a truck, killing herself.
11.  Meena in present day sits in her office teary eyed giving an interview to the local paper. Mandeep enters and announces the new intake to the shelter has arrived. 20 women are dropped off a police van. The place is now choc a block, the residents of “ashray” have glum unwelcoming faces.
12.  Meena offers her help in an impassionate plea to Sheila in her quest for justice for Hema and other woman. They reach what is ‘ashray’ in present day where the woman rescued earlier are staying, run by an ngo that’s shutting down due to lack of funds. Jassi is missing with no accountability from the ngo busy disposing furniture. Jassi was headed to the railway station; Ramanna tells them and with nowhere else to go accompanies the two to find her.  
13.  In prison, Babban is unhappy at Gulshan, the package has gone out with Chang and there is no word on when he’ll be released. Once outside, Gulshan notifies his paymasters on progress and is given another task. Gulshan is tired and hungry. 
14.  Sweetu plays a computer game in an effort to get the voice out of his head. It keeps coming back asking Sweetu to move his ass and get to work. Sweetu feels he may also have superpowers, tries to move objects with his mind, the voice ridicules him.  
15.  Rakesh gives the money to coach Baljit, who promises to make the state athletic meet a reality for Rakesh. Rakesh finds Bittu and Sonu over at his usual hang out, Bittu has a message from Captain, he wants to meet Rakesh. Rakesh isn’t interested.
16.  Harish makes a whining embarrassment of an apology to VISHAL SHEKHAR 51 year old, chief cop at the station. Sharad is present as well, a still angry Vishal lets Harish off the hook because he doesn’t want to see a grown man man cry. After Harish leaves, Vishal asks Sharad why he’s still investigating the case of Sheila and Ravi when the post mortem report says accident. This is new knowledge to Sharad, he never got the report because Vishal got it first. Vishal orders the case closes.
17.  In his car, a tired Gulshan meets Captain and asks him to lay low, Captain dismisses him, gets a   slap from Gulshan who immediately regrets hitting a gangster apologizes for a long and difficult day. Captain gets out after some bad ass staring. 
18.  Gopal packs a page around a stone and throws it inside Rakesh’s house. Stone flies in hitting glass stuff. Rakesh picks it up, message reads, “Call XXXXXXXXXXX (phone number. Rakesh calls, Captain at the other end asks him to meet, he has a job in exchange for Sonu who has been abducted by Captain. Rakesh checks with Bittu and Sonu is MIA.
19.  Dolly 36 year old a newbie at “ashray” is disgusted with the food, storms into Meenas office and complaints to her about the food. Meena promises improvement.
20.  Jassi is sleeping in the rear seat of the Fial padmini, found by Sheila and group, Meena is driving them around, while they think of a solution. Meena has to pee, they stop at the outskirts of the town. From behind bushes Meena watches Sheila peeking inside an old well, then stand up on the edge of the well and jump in. Meena rushes over trying to stop her from committing suicide, which Sheila isn’t. The well isn’t deep, packed with concrete dust, sticking out from under it an old skeleton and a piece of fabric that turns out to be part of a bag. They pull the bag out to find more bags buried under. The bag contains Heroin, lots of it.  
21.  Sweetu sits with her grandmother watching Mukti Baba, spewing stupidity. The voice is in Sweetus head urging Sweetu to start small but take first steps. Sweetu picks up the file given by Meena, as per the voice the first case he should dive into is that of Swati, the most recent girl gone missing from “ashray”. If he cannot find her then the voice goes away. 

  Episode 3:
1.      At “ashray” Dolly can barely sleep with the ongoing snoring competition between 2 other woman in the room. Groggily gets up to use the toilet and there’s a line to use the loo.
2.      Rooftop, Gulmohar society, Chang, Shikhar and Raghubir are being grilled by the investor Amarnath, flanked by people who look like bouncers. Chang keeps looking at the bouncers while Amarnath voices his disappointment at the progress made, Shikhar suggests advertisement in the form of hoardings. Amarnath query eyes Raghubir who nods.
3.      Chang watches a hoarding installation. Raghubir has his face on the advert with a child sitting on his shoulder, inviting the passer-by to come at live at Gulmohar.
4.      At an abandoned factory, Raka meets Captain, gets Sonu’s released and in return he needs to do a job for Captain.
5.      The voice guides Sweetu in the investigation of the missing person Swati. Swati had a history of drugs, she had not gone home to her family and she had no money on her. The voice summarizes that she couldn’t have left town.
6.      Dolly is disgusted by the lunch, shouts out at the cook. When told to quieten down by an orderly she throws the food on the wall. Goes back to Meena and asks her to improve the quality, Meena reminds her she isn’t staying at a hotel.
7.      Account manager for “ashray” Mandeep suggests a pro cook. Meena worries cost overrun, Mandeep is unfazed because they can simply ask their secret firang donor for more funds but Meena knows there is no such fairy out there.
8.       Meena meets an extremely nervous Sheila at her old house. A much smaller house than the one presently occupied by Sweetu. Sheila has the bag of heroin with her, she hasn’t yet spoken to Ravi about it. She is questioning the wisdom of telling him and letting him start a wild goose chase when they are running short on money. Meena seizes the moment to show wads of cash to Sheila, she had taken a pouch and sold it to a dealer who had come back for more.
9.      Present day “ashray” is attracting media attention, meena shows a TV crew around the place.
10.  A few girls in the beauty parlor including Ramanna, Jassi and Mandeep are hanging out watching and discussing a TV soap and cribbing about the newbie’s.
11.  Meena is asked by the reporter whether he knew Sheila or her husband. She says Sheila was her friend and mentor but she didn’t know much about Ravi, he preferred being all by himself.   
12.  Meena suggests they sell more of the stuff to her guy (a tour guide, Armaan khan 23 year old) and use the money for better purposes like helping woman in distress. Sheila is lured in by the dream; they can even buy the shelter and have their own setup. Meena asks if Ravi gets to know, “nahi”, Sheila says. Sheila gets a call from Ravi.
13.  Ravi is at the court digging stories, seated at a hearing of man slaughter by a woman called Rani 25 year old. The evidence is piled up against her, Rani has killed her husband but maybe Sheila can take it up. Ravi has inkling that Rani is innocent.
14.  Meena gets a call from Armaan, asking her if she has more of the stuff. That the stuff is A grade heroin, the best in town in fact the best anywhere. His clients all firangs are ready to pay more money, than previously. Meena and Sheila jump in joy.
15.  Raka and Bittu drive the vehicle towards the check point. Raka doesn’t go through, stops vehicle before the checkpoint and abandons car, deaf to Bittu’s protests.  
16.  At “ashray” Sweetu looks at Swatis bed and empty wall; her bunk is still empty but soon to be occupied. Sweetu speaks to her roommate, voice assures Sweetu she will speak to him because Sweetu looks like an idiot. Her roommate tells Sweetu that Swati was a recovering addict who was acting irritated recently. Sweetu speaks to Meena telling her he may know where Swati is.
17.  Meena drives Sweetu around, searching through the under belly of poverty in Dunali to find Swati under a bridge, in bad shape. They take Swati to the hospital. On exiting they find a large number of woman from the shelter, applauding Sweetu and Meena. Sweetu nods politely, the voice in his head loving it.  
18.  Dolly in the kitchen helps out Jassi preparing a late dinner for Meena, Jassi leaves her alone for a moment. Dolly spikes food with half a bottle of rat poison and stirs.  
19.   Sweetu cremates the bodies, many known faces are present including Sharad and the reporter. After the cremation Devi Rani keeps walking down the road in spite of everyone calling out her name. She is brought back to the car and driven home.   
20.  Ravi cuts ribbon at the shelter, names it “ashray”, Sharad is present along with Lakhan. The story of funds as per Sheila is a box of cash left by an unknown donor. Ravi has difficulty buying the story but never the less is more interested in pursuing Rani’s case, the defense lawyer is a government prosecutor with no interest in the case at all. Sheila wants more evidence but takes the case.  
21.  Ravi goes over to the village called Bhar gaon, where Rani used to live. He finds her address and looks it up, some other guy is living in that hut. Other guy asks him to fuck off asap. Ravi finds it interesting, looking around there are people watching him, he gets witnesses who say Rani would be dead if she didn’t kill her husband first.  
22.   At “ashray”, Meena is hungry, she goes to the kitchen and grabs a quick bite. She feels discomfort by the end of the meal that quickly blows up into a mind numbing pain and blackout. 

Episode 4:
1.      Present day, Sweetu’s house, Devi Rani wakes up, gets out of bed, takes her walking stick, walks out of the house.
2.      Ravi sitting in his 1 room shabby private eye office along with Devi Rani who’s in the middle of an expletive filled rant against her daughter in law Sheila. For Devi Rani Sheila is an atheist bitch who is probably whoring around for the money.
3.      Chang and Raghubir are sitting quietly. A glum look on all of their faces.
Raghubir: “Yaar tum log toh marwa dogey mujhey. Ab tak kitney flat book huey?”
Chang indicates 1 number. Chang further suggests / sells TV ads on cable to Raghubir. Raghubir agrees but this is their last chance.
4.      Shikhar having a quiet breakfast at home checking mail. Bani wakes up, goes for drinking water there is none. She asks Shikhar who is busy checking his phone, Shikhar is non committal. Bani is enraged, she takes his phone and throws it away. World war 3.
Loud knocks on their door stops the fight. Sweetu at the door asking for help, Devi Rani is missing.  
5.      The trio get in Shikhars car and start searching. Find Devi Rani walking all by herself, reluctantly sits in the car after Sweetu stands in her way.
6.      Dolly finds herself awake, in the middle of an onslaught of snoring. She gets up and sleeps in the canteen. The door to the canteen opens and Jassi and a couple of new girls walk in talking about who gets to be the boss in Meenas absence, ask Dolly what she’s doing there. Dolly gets up without saying a word wishing she was dead or everyone else was dead.
7.      Balbir has run away with Rakas money along with money from other similar prospects. Raka exchanges lap timings and finds many in his range.
8.      Sweetu takes care of Devi Rani and looks into the next file, that of Komal Kher, a 55 year old Kashmiri migrant who disappeared many months earlier. No drug history, no criminal records, she had her house in Bhar gaon, got uprooted during the riots. Sweetu had to see the place first. Sweetu checks on Devi Rani who is pretend sleeping, goes to the garage and tries to start the fiat. The car rolls out onto the street, Sweetu freezes seeing Raka in front of the car. Raka offers help. Sweetu finds the voice in his head urging revenge. Shikhar finds the 2 working on the car, joins in.
9.      Chang finds Banis picture among pictures of other models. He doesn’t know who she is on the flip side its mentioned finalized model for the ad, he calls Shikhar who is not reachable, curses and finalizes Bani. He calls Bani and fixes the date for the shoot.
10.  Bani at her office, a call center cannot believe her ears; she makes a high pitched shout of glee, which makes everyone hush her. She calls Shikhar, his phone is not reachable and because of her she remembers. She calls Kundan and thanks him.
11.  Not far from Gulmoha society, Raka drives Sweetu to where Bhar gaon used to be, a few shanties of construction workers remain who shoo them away, in the distance are the residential towers of Gulmohar society.
12.  Ravi stands outside of Ranis house taking pictures, men keep walking in and out.
13.  At the court Sheila wins Rani her freedom, Ravi wants to show Sheila pictures of Ranis house but swamped by reporters, Sheila enjoys her victory. Sharad comes over and congratulates her, she hitches a ride with Sharad.
14.  Devi Rani, watching TV in a dimly lit room, Ravi enters drunk. Devi Rani starts her rant against Sheila, goes quiet once Sheila enters. Ravi carries on with the drinking. Devi Rani slides in a taunt or two for Sheilas lack of faith in god.
15.  Present day, Devi Rani walks keeps walking on the road away from her house.
16.  Ravi continues taking his pictures and drinking sees a large guy, Babban enter the house.  
17.  At Gulmohar society the shoot is on, Chang flirts with Meena unaware of who she is, Shikhar comes over, stunned into a rock.
18.  Dropping Sweetu home Raka apologizes for all that he has done to Sweetu.
19.  Sheila asks Ravi if he wants to move from this house, Ravi doesn’t have the money but Sheila has.
20.  Sania and Mandeep kidnap Raka, gagged and tied, take him to an abandoned location, keep him there for the night.
21.  Devi Rani reaches Mukti babas ashram door, large doors that are closed. The guard outside tells her to go away, she stays. Sweetu comes to an empty house, a message left on the table by Devi Rani.
22.  The closed doors open for Devi Rani.      

Episode 5:
1.      At the station Sharad in dishevelled plain clothes radio wireless in front of him listens in to radio chatter of cops out looking for Raka. Raka wet pants, sits tied up in a chair, head covered with a mask. He can hear police sirens but cannot do anything about it.
2.      Cold vibes in Shikhar’s car as he and Bani head home from the shoot. Shikhar confesses he never knew that Bani had an interest in acting.
3.      In the morning Sania and Mandeep take pictures of Raka. Whats app Sweetu.
4.      Sweetu home alone, voice tells him things are going to get worse. He gets the message from Sania. Sweetu calls Sania, tells them they have kidnapped a cops son and not to do anything till he gets there. Sania freaks out shouts at Mandeep, Raka can hear woman speaking.
5.      Dolly in a line early morning, her eyes are red and swollen from lack of sleep. Watches a fight break out in front of her for rest room rights. Too tired to do anything.   
6.      At the hospital Meena is dreaming, Armaan sits across from Sheila and Ramanna staring down his soul. Meena is pacing outside. Armaan explains that the demand for ‘afghani’ is huge, that’s what he calls it. This time he wants half a kg, cash in his bag. Deal done, Armaan hugs Meena, asks her out, she agrees.
7.      Sweetu at the kidnapping, they put Raka in the van, drive around, no talking and dump him by a park. Found by Sidhu who calls it in. Sharad watches Sidhu sleeping, tries to wake him up but stopped by a nurse, Sharad leaves.
8.      Dolly goes to the atm, takes out cash, picks a dozen bottles of rat poison.
9.      Sharad catches hold of Sonu, puts him between two constables in the back of a car. Drives around till Sonu croaks Captain.
10.  Sweetu goes to see Meena at the hospital, asks her about Komal, Meena knows as much as Sweetu does. Asks her to let go and focus on the next missing person. Next person was Sheila, no more relevant and the one after that is Rani. Meena gets a sudden bout of tired.
11.  Armaan buys a big car, takes it to his single room house in a poor locality. A friend of his comes over, pleads with Armaan to let him into whatever he is into. Armaan asks him to fuck off.
12.  Armaan comes in with the new car to pick Meena out. Meena all dressed gets into the car, Armaan takes her to his neighbourhood, A couple of guys approaching him pull out guns, seeing guns Armaan reacts quickly accelerates car away from the two thugs, but not before he’s shot, car swerves like a drunk with Armaan trying to stay conscious, crashes the car into a wall. Meena gets out unscathed and runs away, Armaan getting shot many more times by one of the goons. The other guy K gives chase, but Meena manages to escape. Cries her heart out at the steps of “ashray”.
13.  The advert with Bani showing off Gulmohar society to a background jingle lifted off a popular song is being reviewed by the entire gang including Bani and Raghubir. Raghubir gives a thumbs up on a job well done and leaves.
14.  Sharad sees Raka at the hospital, makes it an interrogation. Sharad asks if he’s into drugs, Raka loses it, asks Sharad to get fucked, that he should have shown this concern for his wife and Rakas mother when she was dying instead.
15.  Sheila offers “ashray” as a temporary abode to newly released woman convicts till they get integrated back in society to the town’s mayor and cops, Sharad among them. Everyone hears a no cost to government resettlement plan and that’s aleays nice.
16.  Sheila shows Sharad the new parlor they have opened and how the woman can make their money and be self reliant. Rani is the first of hair stylists. Sharad asks if she wants to grab a bite with him, Sheila aware of Sharad’s feelings for her turns him down gently. Meena crying, tells Sheila about the thugs and dead Armaan.
17.  Sweetu goes to where they had found Ravi’s car. Looks at the street far away, the voice questions the incident and how the car landed in water. Sweetu sits on a tree log next to the lake, a local man sits himself next to Sweetu, strikes a conversation. He tells Sweetu that accidents keep occurring, that a few days earlier a truck had almost gone over the edge.
18.  At the salon Sania gives a facial to Ramanna, Ramanna cribs about the pressure of handling meenas role in her absence. The advert of Gulmohar society comes on cable.
19.  Sweetu surfs the net for other accident reports for the road. Sees the picture of the truck accident. Sweetu realizes that it could have been just an accident like everyone is saying it was. Never the less Sweetu opens up Rani in his file, the voice in his head finds it strange that she disappeared a few days after Sheila and Ravi and no one looked into it for a possible connection.
20.  Sheila and Meena dump the heroin bag back into the well.  

Episode 6:
1.      A guy comes over with 2 big briefcases filled with cash all of it is a crore. Meena and Mandeep start the cash counter. The man waits.
2.      Raka at the hospital, hallucinates his dead mother sitting next to him. TV shows the state athletic meet. Raka gets up and dresses, walks out of the hospital.
3.      Sweetu goes over to meet Devi Rani along with Shikhar, they enter the large ashram courtyard, where devotees are relaxing or meditating. They find her meditating under a tree, Sweetu asks her to come back but she goes back to meditating.
4.      To take Sweetu’s mind off Devi Rani, Shikhar teaches him to drive. Sweetu asks if Shikhar knew his dad well, Shikhar really didn’t, had only met him once, he seemed to be very busy person. Chang calls wants Shikhar at office asap, there is a bunch of people who are waiting to check out the place.
5.      Chang gives the demo at Gulmohar apartment where much repairs are needed, half complete swimming pool and an incomplete society with no gates. Chang is  being watched by Raghubir and a few suave looking men from the office.
6.      Chang enters the office as the suave men are leaving. Raghubir explains, the men are an outside set of investors interested in buying them out. The meeting had been set up by Amarnath and if no progress happens then the place is a wrap.  
7.      Sweetu goes to his father office, finds more stuff on Komal, Ravi had interviewed Komal. There were pictures of her face in erstwhile bhar gaon. Sweetu looks for the excerpt of the interview, doesn’t find it instead finds his camera.  
8.      At the hospital, Ramanna urges Meena to get back to “ashray” where she is needed. Meena is no mood to do that, it’s a mini holiday for her infront of the TV.
9.      Sheila cost cuts, delegates job roles to Ramanna, Meena and Rani. Tries to raise money unsuccessfully.
10.  K recognizes Meena at the market, Meena unaware heads over to “ashray”. Rani out with some other task spots meena being followed.
11.  Mandeep, Sania and KADAMBARI 32 year old have lunch. Mandeep is tired from counting cash the whole day. Sania asks for the source of funds, all they know is that its a mystery foreign donor who want their identity hidden.  
12.  Dolly washing floors all day with a few older woman who go about their job quietly in the background asks Ramanna for a change of job, preferably stitching, Ramanna tired from the cash counting, gives in to her requests.  
13.  K chases Meena into the salon at “ashray” where Rani is waiting. Rani kills K with a knife stabbing multiple times bleeding him to death, like a pro. Sheila comes finds the body in the parlour. They lock doors and close shop. Rani demands answers.
14.   Harish and Dharmendar cruising the slums find a drug trade going down, they give chase, one of the boys shoots back blind accidentally hitting Dharmendar.
15.  Bittu and Sonu come to meet Raka. They want him to come out and hang but Raka wants to study. Bittu feels betrayed, says Raka has changed. Raka only smiles. 
16.  The police put a local curfew at the slum; a local gives the address of the guy who fired the shot to Sharad. The boy who had accidentally shot the cop is holed up in a house with her sister and her husband. Sharad waits for the couple to leave, enters the house and kills the boy in cold blood making it look like a cross fire.
17.  Ramanna is as evasive about Rani as was Meena to Sweetus questions when Sweetu is confident that the two were pretty close. The voice in his head finds it strange. Sweetu asks about Komal and if he remembers her, Ramanna is more forthcoming, but doesn’t remember much except Ravi had interviewed her about the Bhar gaon riots.
18.  Sushant gives an update on the recent death and accompanying low morale of the street peddlers to Mukti baba and Amarnath. Sushant is not sure about captain either, suggests they should consider letting out Babban at some point in the near future.
19.  Babban calls Lakhan from prison, asks him to keep a close watch on Chang, he should also pick up his money if he wants to. Lakhan says he is fine and will take the money from him. 
20.  Rani tastes the heroin and knows it’s the best. She suggests they get back into the game, for the sake of the place and to drive Mukti Babas drug business down.
21.  Ramanna hears shouts and shrieks from outside the office, finds many of the woman shout and shriek clutching their stomach. She runs to the canteen to stop more people from getting food poisoning.
22.  The woman are stretchered into the hospital and Meena feels guilty further added to by Ramanna giving her grief. Meena watches the TV ad of gulmohar society, despite Ramanna’s rant at her. Meena smiles, she knows what to do.  
23.  Sheila, Ramanna, Rani and Meena go to the well, taking the body of K along with them and burying it and this time they take out all the bags from the well.

Episode 7:
1.      Two men, Madan 44 and Mohan 49, arrive by train at the town station straight from a village. They are looking for Mandeep. 
2.      In her village Mandeep defends Sania from getting bullied. Mandeep, daughter of a landlord, takes Sania to her home and they become good friends. Sania is married to a drunkard and has no interest in men.  
3.      At Gulmohar society Meena explains to Chang, Shikhar and Raghubir that the woman from “ashray” will buy the empty flats while Ramanna and Jassi check out Gulmohar society.
4.      Raghubir meets his investors, Amarnath and Mukti baba, asks them for some time to get buyers into the apartment. Sushant points out to them that they would probably have to get Babban out of prison at some point and he wouldn’t like to work with people he has previously dealt with in a different way. Sangeeta comes and takes Mukti Baba away for his prawachan.  
5.      At the prawachan Devi Rani is seated amongst the audience, her status as a devotee established she wears the badge that says balak Devi Rani. She listens intently to the speech.
6.      Dolly wakes up to peace, both her room mates are in hospital. Passing by, Dolly hears whispers coming out of the office. She listens in. A heated discussion between Meena and Ramanna going on. They are fighting over how much they have to spend on this plan of shifting out to Gulmohar. Jassi catches Dolly eavesdropping pushes her inside the room. Dolly suggests 2 people instead of one as co owners will make it easy for everyone.   
7.      Mandeep is being shown off for marriage to a much older man. Mandeeps refusal to marry the older man is unacceptable to her family.
8.      Mandeep asks Sania to escape with her. Sania agrees.
9.      Amarnath comes over to congratulate Shikhar and Chang. Suggests they hire a person to take care of the work. Shikhar has someone in mind, he’s in one of Amarnaths companies, Ajit Bhalla the HR guy. They get a big pay off from Amarnath.  
10.  Devi Rani has prashad, overhears conversation amongst 2 yuvak woman (the next rung in the devotion to baba game) about the politics being played by some stopping their progress. Devi Rani approaches them asks them to keep faith, the 2 yuvak suggest that Devi Rani take a different approach else she wouldn’t be alive to see herself get promoted.   
11.  Ramanna and others give interviews to Ajit Bhalla. He returns everyone saying the bank will not give loans to salaries below 25k and most of them are making 20k or less.
12.  Word gets out, Ajit Bhalla gets calls which he refuses to pick, because he doesn’t pick calls in a meeting. Shikhar rushes to Chang, Shikhar and Chang rush to Raghubir, all three go to the banker, Banker reads, makes corrections, photocopies come out, signed, stamped. Chang enters in the middle of a meeting to give him new documents. Ajit apologizes, says he was only doing his job, he need not worry says Chang.
13.  Next Bikram takes interview, the woman appear in front of him one after the other, their professions range from house maids, sweepers to cooks and hair dressers.  Their bank loan is approved despite inconsistencies and unconventional backgrounds. 
14.  At Gulmohar society, Sweetu has his first drink with Chang and Shikhar who is in party mode. The voiceover advises against, but nevertheless he goes ahead. The voice diminishes and Sweetu dances to music.
15.  Meena transfers the right to take out money to Mandeep as she will be busy with the shifting. Mandeep asks Meena about the source of funds, Meena says she doesn’t know and is not curious.
16.  In the village, Mandeep helps her father with accounts and puts the money in the safe. Sania comes home to find her husband with another woman. Her husband attacks Sania, Sania in her defence kills her husband. Mandeep watches Sania taken away by the cops.
17.  Devi Rani drifts into a restricted area of the compound, looking for the head priest. She sees a couple of woman who seem weak and sleepy in a room, doing some sort of prayer with their hands. A guard sees her loitering, asks her to get out, the area is restricted access.
18.  Sweetu lies on the floor in his house, has a throbbing headache and the voice telling him he had been warned.
19.  Shikhar comes over to Sweetus house, gives him keys to the first apartment block, Bani is also there, watching Bani, Sweetus heart melts. The voice returns while they are having dinner admonishing Sweetu, asking him to get his focus back on.  
20.  In the village Mandeep’s father dies of a heart attack when he finds Mandeep missing along with all the money. His sons Madan and Mohan watch the dead body stone cold. 

Episode 8:

1.      Lakhan works as a security guard at Gulmohar society, to remind Chang of his deal with Babban and maintain over watch.  
2.      Lakhan in his last months as a cop sees a drop in the sale of Mukti baba’s drugs. Captain is a small time gang leader selling low grade drugs in the slums.
3.      Bani at the call center, takes an abusive call, then complimented on the ad by her colleague.
4.      The alien investors are told the deal is off in a meeting between Amarnath, Sushant and them.
5.      The investors in their hotel room want revenge, the guy with the limp demands it for his wooden leg. One of the investors walks into the next room where they have a small protection detail of armed men. Four men in total.
6.      Meena takes a few of the woman to their new homes, instructing them like a drill sergeant on the way on do’s and don’ts. The woman discuss which rooms are theirs and on which floor laughing and chatting amongst themselves.
7.      On reaching Gulmohar society they find Raghubir standing there along with photographers, the woman feel like rockstars. Raghubir announces free delivery and huge discounts from his stores. Claps and whistles. Ajit Bhalla helps Kadambari down the bus, getting giggles from around.
8.      Madan and Mohan are buying revolvers from Gopal in the slums. Captain in a jeep along with 5 of his boys honks for Gopal, who makes the transaction and joins Captain.
9.      The investor asks for blood from his four goons, raising a ruckus war cry. The lift opens and Captain and five others step out. The investor steps out into the corridor, gunned down. The goons rush out gunned down. Some of the guests run out of the hotel rooms. Gopal rolls a grenade blowing a hole in both the rooms. One of the investor lies dead while the wooden leg guy is crawling over to his leg. Captain shoots him in the head. Raghubir gets a call, job done.
10.  Lakhan sits for lunch with rest of the guards, listens to them tell stories about their sons and daughters while the younger ones talk of the girls who have moved in, Jassi being their favourite.
11.  Back in the day Lakhan investigates death of a street peddler near the slums along with Sidhu & Sharad. Sidhu is pressured by Mukti Babas brother Satya baba to find the peddler or get replaced.  Babban and Omar stop near the investigation, their dog Sidhu goes upto them (no limp), Babban asks for update, Sidhu tells them this guy calling himself kaptaan has warned the boys off the corner. Babban asks him to take care of it or he will.
12.  Some of the women including Kadambari go to the mart to shop, Kadambari penny pinching doesn’t buy anything.  She asks for a loan from one of the girls, doesn’t get any.
13.  Bani at the call center, takes an abusive call, then complimented on the ad by a colleague. Bani is called in by the boss, told her performance reports are bad and then complimented on the ad.
14.  Chang has a company car and Lakhan as his driver; Chang goes shopping for clothes, asks Lakhan to help him pick clothes. Lakhan turns him down but Chang insists. 
15.  Lakhan goes into the slums in plain clothes asking for some heroin, he looks old and doesn’t look like a cop. Someone points towards a shanty, a couple of boys are sitting outside, he signals snort, a boy goes inside, Lakhan begins to follow, he’s asked to wait outside. Sidhu, Sharad and co are waiting nearby in plain clothes. Lakhan says he wants to meet Kaptaan, the boys draw out guns, Lakhan continues unfazed that he is a distributor with interest in buying more. Captain comes out.
16.  The raid takes place in a flash, Sharad and Sidhu fire quick bursts taking the boys down, Captain escapes. Lakhan gives chase, wants him alive, Sidhu tries to kill him, bullet grazing Captains eye, Lakhan shoots Sidhu in the leg, Captain escapes.     
17.  Chang continues his buying spree. Lakhan tries to talk him out of it but he wants to be chic for the meeting with Mukti baba.
18.  The news of the investors death reaches Mukti baba, who seriously considers getting Babban out. Sushant reminds him that he may be behind Satyas killing but Mukti baba can let bygones be bygones besides he needs a guy who will listen only to him and not be a shared resource.
19.  For firing at a colleague, Lakhan gets an early retirement from the police force, takes up a job as a security guard. 
20.  Ajit Bhalla helps fix kadambaris flats plumbing in gulmohar society, her flat co owner hasn’t showed up, still at “ashray”. Kadambari hesitating asks Ajit to visit again. Ajit walks out feeling good.
21.  Bani calls the photographer Kundan, goes to his studio. Kundan encourages her, tells her to take a few dummy shots and another day for a full shoot. The assistants snigger whispering amongst them, “moti” is what bani could only hear. Teary eyed she tells Kundan she doesn’t want to continue, Kundan sympathises with her. Gives her a couple of small vials filled with a liquid, claims these are from Mukti baba and make a person thinner.  
22.  Shikhar and Chang as part of the expansion plans of Gulmohar society meets Raghubir at the grocery store, Mukti baba hasn’t turned up. Raghubir shows him the master blue print of the proposed society, which is almost a mini city really. They are going to be filthy rich, there’s going to be a party, Chang going to party Shikhar going home.
23.  Bani lies watching TV at her house. Shikhar finds Bani disinterested and sleepy leaves her to go meet Chang who is partying, where there are flashy cars, sex, booze and the smell of money.
24.  Ajit waits outside Kadambaris house nervously checks to see he is alone, the door opens and he walks in.
Episode 9:
1.      Babban in prison lays down for a nap in the laundry room. A constable stands watch outside.
2.      Satya baba takes a meeting with the dead investors asking them to partner with him. The false leg guy has a real leg. He wants to move money into real estate. Follows it up with a meeting with OMAR 25 years old, who has no clue as to why sales are dropping but they are dropping.
3.      Raghubir is clearly not happy, he rants in front of babban, wants him to take care of the other investors. Gives him a big bag of cash.
4.      The drug Afghani travels to one of the networking parties, a rich boy gets it there. A sample reaches Sidhu and another goes to Babban. 
5.      Sidhu unable to do any real police work by himself takes it to Sharad who in turn asks Vishal to set up a stakeout at the rich boy’s place.
6.      Babban goes over to Lakhan who is a security guard at some obscure apartment. Babban says he appreciates Lakhans style of work, Lakhan tells him to piss off. Babban offers money as a retainer fee for his services, enough to put Babbans grand daughter through college and more.
7.      Sharad tails the boy to the vegetable market, the boy looks at the cellphone, Sharad immediately reaches over asks if he can make a quick call under pretext of his wife having a baby. Checks his cell phone for messages, nothing.
8.      Babban blows away the investors from outside first person shooter style takes out the investors leg with his shotgun.  
9.      Sharad meets Sheila speaks to her about the case of Afghani that he’s trying to crack. Sheila is horrified. They go to a hotel, sleep together, Sheila in the dead of night installs spyware into Sharads cellphone.
10.  Ravi stands near Bhar gaon village, in the distance he sees a few people standing. He approaches them to find Raghubir there with Babban and Sushant. Walks over and asks what the boys are doing out there. Raghubir says he is surveying land for development. Ragubir asks what Ravi is doing, he says he’s seeing a village getting uprooted at least that’s what it feels like. Ragubir makes a Freudian slip by saying parts of the village do have a problem with the development.
11.  Ravi goes to the segment of the village which he’s guessing is a roadblock in Raghubirs plans. Requests everyone to step out and take a picture to come in the papers. A couple of houses refuse, that of Komals and another 3 hindu guys, single, male in a predominantly muslim village.
12.  Ravi makes a map of the village, puts pins in it.
13.  In the village, Komals husband starts the rioting at one end of the village, the part which falls in the construction plan of Raghubir and co. Other incidents occur simulataneously when a youth runs through the village chased by few men, an act. But then someone shoots a bullet into someone and guns are drawn all guns fighting for the same side, make it a slaughter, people start running. Komal makes an exit before the slaughter begins.  Ravi from a distance takes pictures as Bhar gaon burns down.
14.  Lakhan walks into a party while the cops wait outside, shows a false batch of narcotics bureau and arm twists rich boy into submission. He is being sold the stuff by another rich friend Vicky, he gets the address. Lakhan threatens rich boy not to tell the incident to anyone.
15.  Lakhan next goes over to Vicky, beats him to a pulp and gets another name Chanchal. Goes to Babban and gives him the story so far of a rich boys chain.
16.  Babban wakes up, Mukti baba has come to see him. Mukti baba will get the ongoing case closed but he needs assurance that Babban will not go rogue. Babban assures him and asks if he can get some sort of office job with him. Mukti baba retorts he is not coming out to be some guy but because he has skills.
17.  Sania at the court gets an extension on the bail. Madan and Mohan are among the crowd. Sania goes to “ashray” which is empty, everyone is hanging out at the society. Madan and Mohan walk in to “ashray”, go to Sania’s room and beat her up, Sania comes out in the corridor trying to escape. Dragged back towards the room, Ramanna reaches just in time, 2 pistols in hand fires indiscriminately, both of them at Madan and Mohan missing wildly blowing up the lights, both parties shoot everything but each other.  Both brothers retreat.
18.  Devi Rani in a satsang makes friends with a sewak (next stage after yuwak) Komal (who Sweetu has been searching for), she finds Devi Rani as good company because of their similar age. Most other woman seem to be much younger. Komal says she climbed up the ranks by paying money and promises to help Devi Rani too.
19.  Sweetu is ransacking Ravi’s PI office, trying to find any documents that will help him find out more. Raka enters, offers his help, chances on to Sweetu’s cell phone sees the pictures, Sweetu finds an envelope with pictures of Sheila and Sharad. Raka and Sweetu get into a fight, Raka hits Sweetu on the head, rests next to Sweetu looking at the pictures. Sweetu wakes up, stands, groggily, sees the pictures, chokes Raka to death.
20.  Babban is released from prison.



Raka is alive. With Babban released from prison a turf war explodes between Captain and Babban with new characters entering the fray on both sides. While work on Gulmohar society begins, the new residents of the society raise objections to the woman from “ashray” as nuisance, calling their behaviour unruly. Ramanna becomes the leader of the women at Gulmohar society which leads to differences with Meena.  Sania and Mandeep have to deal with the very real threat from their past. Sweetu the voice gone because of the knock on his head continues with his investigation without much success. Shikhar starts helping Sweetu with his investigations gets suspicious of the role played by the investors in the riots. Sheila successfully disrupts the drug racket of Mukti baba with her ‘afghani’ brand until Babban gets his hands on it leading to the events behind his arrest. Ravi digs deeper into the riots, finds Raghubir and co linked with it also discovers the affair between Sheila and Sharad. Devi Rani with the help of Komal infiltrates deep inside Mukti Baba’s ashram. Bani continues her dive into the world of drugs and prostitution. Chang and Shikhar grow more distant as Chang much like Bani gets consumed by Alcohol and drugs blowing away all his money including Babbans share. In season 2 we get the answers to who killed Sheila and Ravi and how it affects the present day lives of our characters.   

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